A downloadable game for Windows and macOS


Woodland Mystery is a 2.5D single player detective game set in a forest in which you will have to collect words and fix memories of the NPCs to reveal the real culprit of a heinous crime that occurred lately.

The player will play as Fox, a detective in the beautiful and quiet city of Woodland.

Solve the mystery of the most heinous crime of the city thanks to your detective skills: solving puzzles and fixing the memories of the other animals through your special ability. You are the only one that can gather all the clues and the details required to crack the case!


If the game can't be opened  for Apple magic security reasons,  run the script called "CLICKME" by double clicking it.

If this doesn't work, move in the game folder with the terminal and run:

chmod -R +x woodland-mistery.app/Contents/MacOS

If you still can't play the game, contact the developers.


Pietro Arsi
Matteo Ferrero
Julian Levkov
Davide Pessi
Anita Ruggiu


Woodland Mistery (Windows) 150 MB
Woodland Mistery (MacOS) 158 MB


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The game looks really nice! Easily one of the best looking games from the prototypes. The main issue right now is the lack of sound...