A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Diagonaliz is a 2D platformer inspired by Celeste and Dandara. Players cannot walk or run, and must overcome the obstacles and challenges of each level just by jumping and dashing through the air. Various platforms and obstacles will make each and every level different, posing unique challenges for the player. 

Set in a cyberpunk future, the narrative follows ADA-064Y escaping from a tech company, guided by a mysterious voice. The jumpy-android has to hoop and jump through the rooftops of Neo Johannesburg, while trying to achieve freedom. 


Diagonaliz for Windows 60 MB
Diagonaliz for MacOS 69 MB

Install instructions

In case your Mac doesn't open it and flag it as malicious:

1: Go to Settings > Security and Privacy

 2: Click on "Open Anyway"

Development log


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I love the music. I like the theme of the game. The challenges are good and overall gameplay is enjoyable. Great Job!


The game is pretty nice! Good job!